Module 1: Workgroup Assessment Survey

Rate your workgroup's effectiveness

Your honest responses to this survey will provide, not just your Workgroup but management, with the information and feedback required to enhance both your effectiveness as a workgroup and that of your organisation as a whole.

To complete the questionnaire, please login using the supplied username and password

Your responses to this Module of the T10T Team Performance Program. will be consolidated with responses from other members of your Workgroup and a Workgroup Assessment Report will be generated. The Workgroup Assessment Report is Module 2 of the T10T Team Performance Program.

The Workgroup Assessment Report will:
Assess how you rate the current performance of your Workgroup under 25 different factors known to impact on workgroup effectiveness
Suggest what initiatives your Workgroup members, other workgroups and executive management need to take to enhance the performance of your Workgroup and that of the whole organisation